ObiCraft Server Rules
Chat Rules
Following the rules is expected from everyone on the server to try to maintain a family-friendly server as well as a fun place to be. Punishments through mutes, kicks, and even bans will occur if they are broken. All chat punishments are as follows: Warning, 10 Minute Mute. 1 Day Ban, then Permanent Ban.
This includes character spamming, obsessive capital letters, and obsessive punctuation.
There is not going to be a list of the words, but if you question whether it’s appropriate or not don’t say it. This includes filter evading, swearing in another language, and discriminatory terms.
We cannot support multiple languages at this time. If you want to speak in other languages in chat with friends use /party chat or /t town chat.
To continue to keep this server family friendly we ask to keep these topics out of global chat.
Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Any disrespect to Players of Staff will not be tolerated.
To avoid any conflict on these topics we ask to keep these completely out of global chat to respect others’ beliefs as well as their views.
This includes saying things just to get on someone’s nerves to create an argument or make them mad.
While trying to make this a fun environment we ask you to keep drama out of global chat to let your fellow players and staff have a peaceful and not toxic environment.
Please do not promote other Minecraft servers, Discord servers, or Social Media that does not pertain to the server.
General Rules
Following the rules is expected from everyone on the server to try to maintain a family-friendly server as well as a fun place to be. Unless otherwise stated all general rule punishments are as follows: Warning, 1 Day Ban, 3 Day Ban then Permanent Ban.
These things are not allowed so all players are able to get equal treatment. If you see any of these things occurring, please contact staff immediately.
Respect other player’s land and belongings. Please report to staff if you see these kinds of actions take place. Punishments as follows: 1 Day Ban, 3 Day Ban then Permanent Ban.
Do not claim next to other players unless it is agreed upon by both players.
If you find a glitch, please report it to staff by messaging them on discord, bug reports in the server discord, or email
If you have any concerns regarding the staff, please message the owners or an admin.
No chargebacks are allowed unless you discuss with an Admin or Owner for your reasoning. Punishments as follows: 1 Day Ban, 3 Day Ban then Permanent Ban.
All Rules and Punishments are at the owners' discretion and may be subject to change.